Legal Notice

(According to § 5 TMG (Tele Media Act))

Responsible for the content:

Probat Italia s.r.l.
Via Pietro Mascagni 1
20122 Milano, Italy
Tel.: +39 0523 318083
Fax: +39 0523 314267

General Manager: Udo Schulte Lünzum
P.IVA 00720970151

Reeser Str. 94
46446 Emmerich, Germany

Phone +49 (0) 2822 912-0
Fax +49 (0) 2822 912-444

Executive Board: Wim Abbing (President & CEO), Christian Thimm
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Nils Erichsen
Based: Emmerich am Rhein, District Court Kleve HRB 18280
VAT identification No.: DE 811 600 147

Picture copyright:
The picture copyright is owned by PROBAT. Distribution, saving, copying or any other use requires written consent.


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Copy­ing in any form - also of ex­tracts - re­quires the writ­ten con­sent of PRO­BAT-Werke. Ref­er­ences/links to our home­page are ex­pres­sively de­sired pro­vided that it is ob­vi­ous that the user is chang­ing to www.​probat.​com.